Using CSLA 4: WPF and Silverlight

This ebook (in PDF format) demonstrates how to create a Silverlight or WPF application that uses a business layer created using CSLA 4. This ebook also demonstrates the use of the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) design pattern in a way that is very complementary to the capabilities provided by CSLA .NET business objects, resulting in an application that is easy to build and maintain with clear separation of concerns between the XAML-based view, the interface control code in the viewmodel and the model composed of CSLA-based business objects. This ebook also makes use of the open-source Bxf MVVM UI framework.

This ebook (in PDF format) demonstrates how to create a Silverlight or WPF application that uses a business layer created using CSLA 4. This ebook also demonstrates the use of the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) design pattern in a way that is very complementary to the capabilities provided by CSLA .NET business objects, resulting in an application that is easy to build and maintain with clear separation of concerns between the XAML-based view, the interface control code in the viewmodel and the model composed of CSLA-based business objects. This ebook also makes use of the open-source BxfMVVM UI framework.

The ebook includes a sample application demonstrating the concepts and techniques discussed in the book.

The high level content outline follows:

  1. Introduction
  2. WPF and Silverlight
    1. WPF introduction
    2. Silverlight introduction
    3. Choosing between WPF and Silverlight
    4. Overview of XAML
  3. MVVM Design Pattern and CSLA 4
    1. MVVM Design Pattern overview
    2. Bxf MVVM Framework
    3. CSLA .NET WPF and Silverlight features
  4. Business and Data Access Layers
    1. Responsibility-driven design
    2. Domain overview and implementation
  5. Application Implementation
    1. WPF project setup
    2. Silverlight project setup
    3. Main UI shell implementation
    4. User scenarios
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